Q: What hours are you available to tutor my student?
A: At LIFeLearning we know that a student's schedule is busy with school and extra-curricular activities. We do our best to offer a wide range of time slots in which they can work with us to enhance and further their learning and comprehension. During the school year we are available from 3:00pm-8:00pm Monday through Thursday. Our summer hours are 10:00am-1:00 and 4:00-7:00pm Monday through Thursday. If other times are needed, we try to work that out between the tutor and the family.
Q: How much will it cost to get my student the extra help he needs in his schooling?
A: Our main priority at LIFeLearning is to help your child gain the skills and understanding they need to succeed. In order to do this we try to make the program as affordable as possible. Our fees are $40.00 per hour. We do require each student to attend for a minimum of 1 hour per week as anything less than this has proven to be of minimal benefit. If there is more than one student tutoring in a family, the others are $30.00 per hour. Fees are charged on a monthly basis, and the month is to be paid for by the 15th or a late fee is assessed.
Do you charge fees for assessments? No! Basic assessments are done during the first tutoring session. We use those results as well as school testing results and a parent's own observations to create a program individualized for each student.
Q. Do I need to sign up for a specific number of lessons? No! There is no long-term contract to sign. We just ask for a 2 week notice before a student discontinues so that the tutor knows that time is now free to sign up another student.